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Computer aided design refers to the use of computers and their graphical devices to help designers carry out design work. The Define Of CAD? It is called CAD for short. In engineering and product design, computers can help designers to take charge of calculation, information storage and drawing. In design, it is usually necessary to use computers to calculate, analyze and compare a large number of different schemes to determine the optimal scheme; All kinds of design information, whether digital, literal or graphic, can be stored in the computer’s memory or external memory, and can be quickly retrieved; Designers usually start with sketches, and the heavy work of turning sketches Read more

Humanium The Most “Valuable” Metal In The World

Humanium is a new raw material that comes from the melting of firearms seized in peace programs and whose purpose is to finance programs for the prevention of violence and to help victims, through the income obtained from its commercialization. This interesting initiative, born in Sweden in 2015, aims to manufacture and market different metals from the recovery and recycling of firearms seized in peace and disarmament programs that take place throughout the planet. Humanium is promoted by IM Swedish Development Partner , an NGO that has been working for more than 70 years in the fight against poverty and exclusion, thanks to the collaboration it has with the Swedish Government. The purpose Read more

75% Of The Aluminum Made 100 Years Ago Is Still In Use

More and more car manufacturers are replacing the steel used in the manufacture of their vehicles with aluminum and this is due to the great resistance, ductility, malleability and durability of this material. In the 1990s, brands such as Jaguar, Land Rover, Audi or BMW already opted to include aluminum among the raw materials used to produce their models, although Ford was the first company to use recycled aluminum in the manufacture of its trucks. Ford F-150 . The use of recycled aluminum in the manufacture of vehicles has a double benefit. On the one hand, it helps reduce the weight of cars and thus reduce fuel consumption. In addition, the use of virgin raw materials Read more

Hyundai Is The Only Automaker To Produce Its Own Steel

Steel is one of the components that has the most presence in the weight of a car, since about 60% is made up of this material. Therefore, it is not surprising that an automobile brand such as Hyundai has decided to take control of this material and produce its own, in addition to researching and developing new high-strength and much lighter steel alloys. For more than a decade, Hyundai has been working to meet strict anti-pollution regulations that aim to reduce polluting vehicle emissions, as well as improve safety standards and the dynamic behavior of automobiles through a structure and components made of solid, highly resistant steel. , light and at a cheaper Read more

How Can Spain Bet On Renewable Energies

In the 21st century, the biggest bet for humanity is to drastically reduce carbon emissions. For this, the only option will be renewable energies. According to the report “ Faster&Cleaner 2: Kick – Starting Global Decarbonisation ”, the trends leading to decarbonisation are divided into three sectors that are the keys to the global energy system: energy, transport and buildings. This report analyzed the steps necessary for a rapid transition in these areas. The increase in employment in this sector has been the result of many countries opting for clean energy. Spain, Denmark and Germany were the first to promote renewable energies: between 2006 and 2015 wind energy increased by 600% and solar by 3500%. A Read more

Recycling Used Tires Is Cheaper Now Than It Was A Decade Ago

Every year, 115% of end-of-life tires (NFU) are collected and recycled or reused in Spain. A whole change in the Spanish culture of the pneumatic industry that has occurred in the last decade. According to the CEO of Signus, Gabriel Leal, in an article published by El Economista , “what ten years ago was waste that was discarded, that no one knew what to do with it, with the aggravating circumstance of having a life cycle of hundreds years (it is manufactured to be indestructible), today it is an economic resource with other applications”, although it is not yet economically profitable in itself. Collecting and transporting tires and then using the energy required Read more

Can Electronic Scrap Be Reused

There are many technological objects that have passed through our lives, such as the ball mouse, the first cell phone that looked like a brick, video players, the old Windows 95 computer, which due to changes in fashion or technological advances have obsolete and its components are difficult to recycle, this creates a social and environmental problem for us. Electronic scrap is a global challenge, not only because of its increase, but also because of its treatment and prevention, which requires the participation of various agents (governments, civil society organizations…) to address it as an international issue. According to data from the institution, 48.1 tons of electronic waste are generated per year and only 6.5 Read more

How Can We Benefit From The Energetic Metals That The Electric Car Has

According to recent studies, batteries will comprise 70% of the world’s demand for lithium, which represents an increase of 30% from 2015. The growing acceptance of the battery will be a boon to the output of lithium, cobalt, and manganese. This growing trend is not limited to the demand for lithium, it is likely that the demand for other key elements in lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries will also increase in the coming years. Such a high rate of demand for these metals may vary as lithium-ion battery technology continues to be embraced in electric vehicles, electronics and energy storage, which will spark strong interest in metals markets. Elements that are part of a Read more

Aluminium A New Material For Car Bodywork

In the automobile industry, for a few years, car manufacturers have been using a new material for their bodies, aluminum . The main reason why they use it is because, thanks to its lightness, it complies with the CO2 emissions indicated by the European Union. In this article, where we are going to review the information published on the aluminum machining blog , we will make a small analysis of the qualities, advantages and disadvantages of using aluminum in car bodies. Qualities: It has a lower weight than steel, which allows us to obtain great lightness . High electrical and thermal conductivity , much more energy is needed in the fusion welding process Read more

The New Metals Of The Future

In the 18th century, a Swedish scientist discovered some incredible magnetic metals and even he did not imagine the importance they would have in the future. Specifically, there are 15 elements that went from being “rare earths” to becoming essential metals for new electronic and environmental technologies; experts have called it the “new oil”. These are the 15 metals, the use of each of them and where we can find them: Thulium – used in X-ray machines. Yttrium : we can find it in devices capable of detecting earthquakes. Promethium – is in nuclear batteries. Terbium – They use it for fluorescent lamps or to make energy-saving light bulbs. Lutetium – Its main use is in the Read more